I had a great time these three days, being paid to cosplay, able to meet with great cosplayers, the fun and all. I was unable to cosplay in the first day as I had a important class to attend to, missing me one day of fun of cosplaying T^T
I cosplayed as Kaname Kuran from the anime Vampire Knight on the remaining two days, (Friday and Saturday) and as usual took much photographs of the other cosplayers there with my CANON EOS 888 and NIKON Coolpix L3. I also did a 'photoshoot' of my figma, Tsukasa! XD
One the both day of my 'work' (the second and third day of the open house), Aiiki and Fallenangel, also cosplayers, helped me to put on eyeliner to make me look more bishie (Kaname Kuran is supposed to be bishie) and it was the first day that I cannot forget. A eyeliner which looks like a marker was used at first, which belongs to yukihoshi, but the result was too faint thus a eyeliner which looks like brush was used after that, which belongs to Aiiki. The result was horrific! I do look very bishie but it's a bit too girl like! >.< I can even remember the incident that happened when ordering chicken rice during lunch!
Camwhore with Aiiki! =]
The eyeliner was much better on the second day of 'work'. It's not that thick and I look bishie and a bit manly at the same time! >D
The thing that made me face-palmed only just now is that I just realized I missed my Japanese Language class which was supposed to be on Friday 5:30pm (after the cosplaying). Instead if dressing down and go for lesson, I went to help out with my CCA's booth near the Auditorium and went home after that! What a waste!
Toshiro, sincross, jewelsdiaz and I went to crash Marcussy's and Shadowkid's photoshoot after the cosplaying at SP and I became their extra photographer! =D
It was hard to take photographs there as the sun has set and thus the lighting there was super bad. We then head off for lunch at Bedok (I went back home to have mine).
Link to Cosplay Photos (not ready)
Link to Tsukasa's photoshoot album
Link to Recruitment of Cosplayers thread
Link to Request for Cosplay Photos thread