Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Traditional Japanese Games

Braving the light rain I walked all the way from one side of the Bedok Reservoir to the other (half a round around Bedok Reservoir = ~2km walk?) to reach Temasek Polytechnic and find myself lost in the school. I was supposed to go the the room, 5-5-15 (block 5 - 5th floor), to try out some traditional japanese games, which is organised by the students by Temasek Polytechnic. Students from Singapore Polytechnic, specifically those from SP Japanese Cultural Club (SPJCC), were invited to try out the games there. I entered the school through Gate G (East Gate I believe) and walked through block 4 and past block 5. I did not know it was block 5 and reached the centre of the school, which looks like a U-shape on the school map. I walked around the school for about over 40 minutes, then I found out that the first block that I stepped onto is block 4, which is very near to block 5. So when i reached the destination, 5-5-15, almost all of my club mates were already off for lunch. I was introduced to all the various traditional games by the current president of SPJCC and had some crazy fun with the 紙相撲(kamizumo), or 'paper sumo'. 

We then went for lunch with some of the Temasek Polytechnic students, who were organizing the event, at Flavours, which is a food court at block 4. I did not buy anything as I already had my lunch at home and am already very full. XD
Back at the room (5-5-15) I met the other club members and played ビー玉(B-dama), or marble. We had some crazy fun while reliving our childhood memories. Like when we were small, we named the marbles we used with funny unique names like fire dragon or Charizard (a Pokemon) for a red marble, etc.

We played till we got bored and we wandered around, looking at others games and trying them out.
Although I did not play most of the games there, I had a lot of fun with my club mates and the people there. I would certainly be looking forward to any similar upcoming events!

These are some of the photos of the games I took there:

いろはがるた(iroha garuta)


.. and the punishment for losing in  羽根突き(hanetsuki) >D  .... get drawn on the face with ink!



だるま落とし(daruma otoshi)



.. and not forgetting the drink that was recently banned in Singapore for some safety reasons (disputable)...


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