Sunday, May 15, 2011

AKB48 Singapore Theatre 'LIVE' Vol.1

Reached Somerset MRT Station at around 3:20pm, thinking that I am rather early as the time slot for the AKB48 Singapore Theatre 'LIVE' I am going to is at 7pm. When I reached *SCAPE, there was already quite a handful of people queuing at the entrance. Found out that they were already queuing since around 1pm if I heard correctly O_O
Met up with my friends who are at the end of the queue (not totally at the end though, there is one girl queuing behind them) and continued watching 'Sakura karano Tegami' on my iPod Touch. At first I thought the girl at the end of the queue is my friend's friend but then doesn't seem so as my friend did not introduce her when I arrived. Well, since she seems quite lonely, I started talking with her and found out she started liking AKB48 just a few months ago. Welcome to AKB48 fandom! Hahax! XD

I chatted with her and my friends before the queue started to move into the *SCAPE warehouse where the theatre performance was held. We settled down at around the middle row of all the seats and awaited eagerly for the concert to start.

Some of the PVs are being played on the screen while we waited (includes Everyday, Kachuusha which is a new song to be released in a single on the 25th this month)

As usual, the stage performance started off with the overture and they started off with:
- Beginner
- Ponytail to Shushu
- Iiwake Maybe
followed by a introduction by all the members

Beginner was a totally awesome start I would say. The three songs totally pumped up a lot of energy into the crowd ^^

After the introductions:
- Zannen Shoujo
- Kuchi Utsushi no Chocolate
- Kataomoi no Taikakusen
- Tengoku Yarou
- Itoshiki Natasha
- Aitakatta
- Oogoe Diamond
- Sakura no Kini Narou

and of course the concert does not end just like that.
After much shouting after shouting by fans (including me) the AKB48 girls are back on stage for an encore!

- Heavy Rotation
- Hikoukigumo
- Dareka no tame ni

There was a bonus after the concert which I did not really expected. A mass group photo of the whole audience and the AKB48 members, taken by a photographer standing on a really high ladder. One word to describe the photographer - Pro!

We then had a high five session with all the AKB48 girls as we walked out. Another bonus! =D

 Some posters my friend's friends made

 went back to the AKB48 shop again and...

 finally decided to get the Akicha pin (at the left)! Was pondering whether to get it yesterday =p
I got the Oshima Yuko photo (at the right) from my friend's friend for a certain price =X

I totally enjoyed the concert and I can say that I was totally having the time of my life! Finally one more of my greatest wish is granted - to go to an AKB48 stage performance. This year must be a great year for me as none of my wishes ever get granted till this year. Earlier this year, three of my greatest wished were granted which is to enjoy a white sandy beach, to look at the beautiful blue ocean while drinking hot tea on a wooden stilted platform off the shore and to trek in a real forest and climb a waterfall. For more information, check my post of my trip to Telunas.

Anyways, putting those aside, the next AKB48 stage performance would be two weeks later, at the 29th of May and SDN48 would be performing here in Singapore in June! 10 June if I did not remember wrongly.
I hope i can make it to the next performance! AKB48 大好き!! o(>o<)o

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