Saturday, September 18, 2010

Customized Desktop

I have actually customized my Windows 7 for quite some time already and didn't have the time to blog about it due to my examination period that had just passed. Thus don't ask me for the source. I don't remember =x

Anyways, the desktop...

The Start Menu...

My Computer...

The OS icon...

The Transparent effect...

Windows Explorer

Windows Media Player

Windows Media Center
(can't print screen here so took a photo with my mobile =x)

Loaded with gadgets!!

The K-ON characters decided to explore my desktop! ^w^

Decided to not have such a clutter desktop and changed the clock xp

I just love personalization!


  1. can i get link to download your gadget ?
    kawai >.<

    1. I don't really remember the sources already sorry >_<
      Went google search and found this though:

      As for K-ON! widgets, You might still be able to get it here:
      (or try google 'K-ON! DTA')
